I don't know about you, but I can say that grade 11 was probably my toughest year of high school. The transition from grade 10 to grade 11 was not very seamless in my experience. It's not only a time where you go from being a junior to a senior, but your courses are also going from academic to university or applied to college level courses. The workload also seems to increase and since most students are unsure of where to go in the future or what they want to do, they end up taking all of the "six-pack" courses to keep their options open (all three maths and all three sciences - and of course, English). During class this week, my colleagues presented on some very hard and challenging concepts in the grade 11 math curriculum. I especially enjoyed Sarah's presentation. Her presentation topic was trig identities and she had come up with such a creative way to get students to practice trig identities. She had created two matching activities. The first activity was a...