Tasks are usually associated with a negative connotation. When given a task, we usually groan and hear something like "uuugghhhhh" and try to procrastinate to avoid doing it. People aren't usually excited about tasks. When I look at the word task through an educational lens, it almost seems as though the words "teacher" and "ask" got married and became "one"; task. (This was not scientifically proven, it was just an epiphany I had while trying to think of a clever name for this blog post)! But if you think about it, it makes sense right?! In school, tasks are basically teachers ask ing you to do something. Condense it by combining the two and voilĂ ; task! There are several different kinds of tasks. Liisa started the class by asking us to write down words that described math. Different groups interpreted this task differently. My group wrote words that we thought described math as a whole, whereas other groups wrote more tangible thin...